Policies are of the utmost priority

Compliance - together with a high expectation of quality, proactive environmental protection and management sustainability - is our utmost priority when it comes to employee responsibility and all operational processes.

We expressly declare our commitment to fair competition and to compliance with all applicable national and international laws, in particular with regard to corruption, bribery and price fixing, which are strictly rejected and not tolerated under any circumstances.

SWG has a number of policies in place that describe expected behaviour in clear and unambiguous terms. Every employee is informed of these and receives relevant training.

Compliance forms the basis for all our decisions and activities. It is the key for integrity in business conduct. Appreciation, respect, openness, transparency, reliability, honesty and trust. These values are firmly anchored in our Code of Compliance, which we live by every day.

This is not just about complying with the applicable regulations and laws, but also about an appropriate inner attitude of all employees, which is an essential element for SWG's company success.

All policies and safeguards are documented in the Code of Compliance.


Compliance with the applicable law is a matter of course for us. Mutual trust, predictability, honesty and straightforwardness, both internally and externally, are basic principles that are well-established. Economic activities in harmony with people and the environment are also principles that we pursue and which make a significant contribution to our long-term company success.

Values in dealings with one another and with our business partners play a central role, which are a requirement of our supplier standards and which we also call for via our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our goal is collaboration based on ethically justifiable principles. 

Respect for human rights

Respect for human rights is a principle upon which our cooperation has always been built. With the human rights policy statement, we want to communicate this standard on ethical conduct further via SWG's direct internal sphere of influence and establish it in our supply chain. For us, the obligation to observe and respect the rights of every person is a key component of our daily work.

Reporting Hotline SpeakUp

Studies have demonstrated that reports received from third parties frequently helped to solve cases of economic crime. For this very reason, we have set up a system that allows both Würth Group employees and third parties to report criminal acts and other major compliance violations. This web-based tool is called the BKMS System (Business Keeper Monitoring System).

If you would like to report an incident using this system, you can do so either anonymously or by name. Nevertheless, because we would like to cultivate an environment of open communication, we encourage you to give your name when submitting reports. We will handle your personal information with strict confidentiality and take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved. Please create a mailbox in the BKMS system via which we can contact you. This is important in case we have any follow-up questions or in case you would like to add further information to your report later on. Communication via the mailbox can also be kept anonymous, if desired.

The system is solely intended to call attention to suspected cases of economic crime or major compliance violations within the Würth Group. Any misuse of this system for other purposes can constitute a criminal offense.

Complaints via email

You can send the following to

  • Information on human rights or environmental risks
  • Information on violations of human rights or environmental obligations

regarding a business unit of our company or of a supplier.

In your email, please indicate your preferred method of communication so that we can discuss the matter with you. We will get in touch with you as soon as we can.

Once the information has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation of receipt including a case number. The information you provide will be processed internally under this case number by our sustainability management team. You can contact us again at any time after submitting information using the above email address. Please indicate the case number sent to you in the confirmation of receipt. All information provided to us will be treated confidentially.

The following code of procedure clarifies how the information you provide is processed:

What is the purpose of the complaints procedure?

This complaints procedure allows individuals to inform the company of

  • Human rights or environmental risks
  • Violations of human rights or environmental obligations

that have arisen as a result of our company's business activities. The information may concern a business unit of our company or of direct or indirect suppliers.

What happens when information is submitted?

After information is submitted, each whistleblower receives a confirmation of receipt as soon as possible and no later than seven days after receipt of the information. Information will be processed internally by our sustainability management team.

What procedural steps are undertaken after the information has been received?

After receiving information, the responsible point of contact first verifies the plausibility of the information, in particular with regard to relevant human rights or environmental risks, or the violation of human rights or environmental obligations. After the validity of the information has been confirmed, the employee responsible for processing the message will discuss the case with you as the whistleblower. Please provide your contact details, in particular an email address, that we can use to contact you. If the information is taking a long time to process, we will inform you of the current processing status at the latest three months after the information is submitted.

Who processes the information?

The individuals that we entrust to process the information are independent, impartial and not bound by instructions. They are specifically obliged to maintain confidentiality.

Confidentiality and data protection

All information and documents made available to us will of course be treated as highly confidential and in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. Your identity will remain confidential and you will be protected against any discrimination or punishment.